Is this a bad pic? Please be nice. I will just ignore you if you say something mean because I've been cyber bullied.

97 votes

It's beautiful
51 votes

81 votes

No it's gorgeous
32 votes


Kaile_combsIt's not a flattering angle, but it is a good pic...just don't listen to the assholes out there and love yourself,,,that's the first step.

😡TheAngryOne😡Well, People would love it more at a different angle, but it's really a good pic!

SYou look cute

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔No, it's amazing! I love it. 😊 If you would show your face more, I think it'd be better. 😄 Just saying.

EmmaAww so cute!!

#SoAwesomeOmg, people seriously cyber bully you???😣😣😣omg, I feel so bad because I watched the movie cyber bully and it was so sad!!! I feel REALLY bad you have to go through that!!!

Bapalapashapalapa@#SoAwesome same, that movie made me cry😢

Kira👅💦you are really pretty, don't let people say your not! ❤️☺️

sweetandsourYOUR BEATIFUL ...and I have to

AlyssaNo offense but this makes you seem like you're just seeking attention


laurenluv03Good pic but if u don't wanna hear anything mean and u have been cyber bullied why would u post that

🌟✌️awesome_kid🌟✌️Ur cute but if u didn't want people to bully U why'd u put this type of thing online 😒😒

Ella@laurenluv03 and @Kairi something

Alexisu pook so pretty

$UicideLynxur pretty 😙#sobae #nohomo