What's the worst experience you've had in school?

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LoveNeverFadesWhen I fell asleep

kirstyLol I did that the first day in math. She was discerning herself and I had my head resting on my hand and my hair covering my face. But then she asked if I was sleeping plus said my name wrong. I jerked my head up and pretended I knew what she was talkin about


FrostyGunzMy phone going off on class so embarrassing

Imaananswer to all the question without thinking that my whole class was kind of sleeping Which made me an intello of the class

LoveNeverFadesI was the good girl in 2nd grade and I fell asleep drooling


e̥ͦm͟͟i⃣ℓуMines too embarrassing

_MILLY_people pretend ing to roast marshmallows over my red hair

NathanMisunderstood the assessment and accidentally plagiarised teacher found out I bursted into tears till another teacher said take it easy on me I'm a really good student everything was cleared

Kaile_combsbullied...because i legally have a form of retardation...but ivd gotten over it with the help of close friends.

kirsty@Kaile_combs good for you 😃

kirsty@_like_whatttt_ that's okay

LoveNeverFades@Kaile_combs My friend Luke had autism and they bullied him for that

kirsty@💙Love_never_fades💞 I hope they've stopped