Which one is 15 and which one is 12?

Both 12
12 votes

Left 15 & right 12
60 votes

Both 15
26 votes

Left 12 & right 15
133 votes


😡TheAngryOne😡First one is 12 Second is 15

MYsoul-isblack-without-uis she your sister?

Emma@OMGImAHipsterplzkillme my cousin

Alyssapretty sure that the 1st one is 9 and the 2nd one is 12

Emma@Alyssa haha. Yeah. No I'm 5'9 and a sophomore. How old are you 11

User 1078330Wats the real ages

Emma@User 1078330 the one with the curly hair is 12 and the one in the sweat shirt is 15

sweetandsouryessssss I was right !

Alyssa@Emma for your information I am actually in college soooooo

Emma@Alyssa👏 good. That explains because collage people think their so old. A freshman in collage would think a senior in high school is a baby.

AlyssaOh yeah I wonder why we think that maybe because we associate with people who actually know how to spell COLLEGE

Emma@Alyssa haha good one auto correct btw. That is actually kinda funny

AlyssaThanks I try my best