Hey guys so I need to ask something my mom says it's true love me and bff are different genders do u agree with me mum

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Plz comment!!!!
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21 votes


Penguin_Girlieme and my bff named hunter are like the same person we act the same love the same thing and think the same 😖 plz don't let it be tire love

Penguin_Girlie* true


Penguin_Girliegreat advice @zoey lol 😑😆


Penguin_Girlie😖 oh god

Penguin_GirlieI forgot to mention that me and him hang 24/7 soooooo yep

MYsoul-isblack-without-uWhat the fuck are you asking?

Penguin_Girlie.-. Really OMGImAHipstetplzkillme you know what I'm asking I'm asking if my mums right or not

Penguin_Girlie@OMGImAHipsterplzkillme nice name btw


JessicaI think it's perfectly normal to have a guy bff but not be in love. My best friend is a guy too

Sammy32me and my guy best friend r the exact same were always hanging out it's not true love only if u think u love him it's okay to have a guy best friend bc that doesn't mean anything u guys r friends