Did u guys now Stampy and Sqaishey are dating!? 🐱➕🐥

Ugh I wanted to date stampy (me umm www)
2 votes

27 votes

Aww that's sweet
8 votes

Worst couple ever (me acually best couple ever)
3 votes


Penguin_Girliethey've been dating 4 ever know 💕❤️ 🐱➕🐥

Penguin_Girlieit's kinda sweet he took her to Disney land with him just because she hasn't been there

Penguin_Girlie🐥➕🐱. 🐥➕🐱. 🐥➕🐱💙💙💚💛💜❤️🍰🍰🍞🍞🍰🍰🍞🍞