Do I look pretty for an 17 year old

No way
10 votes

Kind of
3 votes

I don't know
3 votes

Yeah totally
79 votes


tatumYou look very pretty :) we can be great best friends :) what's your name

john ronaldoThats not you bitch! You just stole this pic from tumblr. On facebook there are 10000 accounts with the same photo just with an other name! Fake bitch

Moshichops14I know what you are but what am I and sorry but I'm not a liar this is what I look like so ha yor the bitch

Kenny look pretty and John you must use that website a lot when you know so much about it

Megan Smith@Moshichops14 you look very beautiful unlike some retards (@john ronaldo)


Wolf@Moshichops14 Liar!!! It's obviously not you!

Wolf@Moshichops14 Liar!!! It's obviously not you!

Moshichops14it is