Fittest pair
35 votes
21 votes
277 votes
29 votes


seaowlYou all make me want to kill myself with your disgusting, ugly faces.

shazz@seaowl your ugly

seaowlbut I'm not lol

shazz@seaowl yea you are and you think your all that well look in the mirror or sorry it will crack

seaowlLOL twelve year old insults crack me up! I'm not sweetie, you know it and so do I

shazzI'm 14 years thicko and get a love and yes you are

seaowlFourteen! Oooh, whose a big girl. NOT. You're an absolute twat.


seaowlYou're a twat.

shazzslag slag slag

seaowlTwat. Twat. Twat.

shazzfuck you

seaowlNo. Fuck u.

shazzshag your dad oh sorry be probley don't like you

seaowlAwful comeback. Just because you're into incest doesn't mean I am.

trololololol@shazz you are pretty fucking ugly 😂😂 keep the makeup on I don't think I wanna see your face in worse shape 😱😱


shazznone of them are me you fucking dings get a life you idiots and fuck of

seaowlSo, why did you create this question? A bit strange.

shazzNot for a rat to comment

trolololololooooooh burnnn! Seaowl get wreeeecked m8!

seaowl@shazz you're deluded if you think I'm rat

trolololololI think your a rat... Even when I'm on crack!!

trolololololhey that rhymes!! 😂😂👏👏

seaowl@trololololol that was real shit

trolololololooooh I'm upset now 😂😂

trolololololok fair enough I will give you that you are proper fit 👌 but still you don't need to offend people that's my job!

seaowl@trololololol Thanks. I'll help out