First let me hop out that MF...

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NotoriousI hate this fucking song.

Ethan@AnonymousToAnExtent Of course you do

NotoriousHey, what's that supposed to mean? Do you have some bring against Mozart?

Notorioussomething* shame you can't edit these comments.

Ethan@AnonymousToAnExtent You tend to be against anything mainstream; are you a hipster?

NotoriousLOL HAHAHHAHAAHA no. I just don't like New Age music. It's not even music to me. I don't like my generation of teens and I don't like rules and regulations. I don't like the human race or not knowing things and I don't like awkward social situations. I don't like not understanding the past.

NotoriousI don't like not meeting interesting people in the world and I don't like the long battle between science and religion. Sometimes I don't like that people have opinions and I don't like to think most times because I tire myself out. I hate not being able to answer my own questions or find them elsewhere. I don't like not liking things.

NotoriousBut life is a fucking RIDE.

NotoriousWho would I be if not confused and restless and eager to absorb and understand and solve and wonder? What is there more to do in life than to float around in circles and not grasp flying objects nearby? What is the meaning of life!?

NotoriousI'm not on drugs. Just listening to trippy music. Sorry for the blow out. I have my moments.