Ways to make money fast for a teen?!?😁😁

13 votes

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83 votes


kimberlyfloresdo something for your neighbors

Myahvegaget a job😂 duh

kimberlyflores@Andwizzle omfg 😂


EthanOffer sexual services in return for cash

EthanI don't see how that wouldn't work😂

diva19088get a job as a food truck servant

LilyLet the bank keep your money for a long time and then they will be hanging on to your money for a long time so they will keep adding some money to your pile, 😉😉😉

awesomeperson9234Lemonade stand and guarded sale

brooke❤❤❤❤❤❤Put money jars at the stores😊

moriahGo to websites and look at jobs it's the easiest way to do it I have done it before for my first job

AlexandraGet s job

Iamnotonthisappanymoresurveys online

PrincexxBree8Get a job at in n out they pay good for teens

😄Mostly babysitting and lemonade stands, you can't take online surveys or work at most places until 16, and u can referee soccer at 13


😄@Gail haha that works

Jennifer Dunlapbabysitting !! That is what I am doing right now and I get payed $50.00 an hour

😄@Jennifer Dunlap wow u must babysit rich people! The average is $6 to $12 an hour for me

Ethan@Jennifer Dunlap how old are you?

Jaxx@Rachel👸🏼 you bet it does!

a personSell drugs

awesomeperson9234you could get arrested for that @a person


i💖hamsters@a person why would you say that it's bad?! Do you do that😐😨😱 that can kill you

a person@🌸Flowergirl🌸 nah it's okay 😂👌🏻 I'm not a drug dealer, I'm a florist. (I know not a lot, if any, of you will get the reference but it's okay)

i💖hamsters@a person okay?

a person@🌸Flowergirl🌸 I don't know. It was just a joke anyway

EthanDrugs are bad mmkay?