How do I tell this boy that I like, that I like him πŸ˜–πŸ˜πŸ˜•πŸ˜Š

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M1rth1well just go up to him when you see him alone and tell him

JamesBondYeah quit being scared and just tell him. You'll never know if he likes you back if you don't say anything πŸ˜‰

πŸ˜„I never really tell a guy if I do

TaraAsk him if he likes you!

awesomeperson9234Make sure u guys are alone and tell him if he doesn't like u back then move on he's not the one for u

bayleeim really good at this so just text him and say hey and if he answers say I need to tell you something but don't text more than twice in a row than stay ok I like you a lot

bayleegood luck

kittenlover14write a note

Annawrite it and tell a friend to give it to him

taylorask him dose he like you but don't ask him out I never ask my crush out they ask me

IamnotonthisappanymoreTell another guy who u trust to ask him.

#QueenπŸ‘‘πŸ‘ΈπŸ’{SBP}{ABC}Crash into him at school and he will say sorry and then say wanna go out but if you have glasses make them fall or when you crash in to him say ohh my contacts and pretend you have contacts

_.Sofia._Well probably the easiest is like have a conversation when him and then when it stars to get quite u say can I tell u something and then tell him tht u like the guy!!... Thts probably the easiest way