Would you go out with me ???

Of course 😍
30 votes

Yes 😘
23 votes

Maybe 😉
74 votes

No 😫
195 votes


Live swagur really pretty and anyone who says no is lying

JamieBur yung

BeckyI'm a girl x

mickyyou are young

Chelseaof course not

LouiseI'm a girl

mollhxrstYour really pretty, so if you get a no it's probably just an ugly older girl who's jealous xx

LouiseYour beautiful and I only pressed no cos I'm a girl x

PeanutButter30you are very pretty

x_becky_xUr very pretty but I'm a girl x

MrSheepy03Im girl x whats yur name and age bby😘

crystalrosebffI'm a girl

makeupformermaidssyou're cute but I had to say no because I'm not a lesbian & even if I were I'm way too old for you 😋

CharlotteCute babe and don't let any one convince you other wise