Do you think Obama care is good?

8 votes

Doesn't effect me
16 votes

77 votes

73 votes


Michael MoonNot at all

Screamin' Lord ByronThe first time in American history that Your president has mandated that you buy a product, or face criminal penalties... Who pays for the insurance for those who cant afford it? The taxpayer. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

CJ Thank you!!! Finally some people that get it!!!

Jasmineyes it's good!! Many people aren't fortunate like others

ABSOLUTELY NO@Jasmine I'm with u on this one.

Rebecca Lynn Willhight@Screamin' Lord Byron: totally agree with you. Plus just ask anyone who received notice that their plan is being cancelled. "If you like you plan you can keep it" is BS.

CarlaRenae@Screamin' Lord Byron THANK YOU!! Some one who's not a complete moron! Thank you so much, it's great to know not everyone out there is an idiot. (:

Jasmine@CarlaRenae like you!!!

CarlaRenae@Jasmine Research before you comment, Hun. It's really cute how you think you know it all when you're just a stupid brainwashed idiot! ^^

Jasmine@CarlaRenae no boo boo okay you are just an moronic selfish asshole

CarlaRenae@Jasmine you're a fucking idiot oh god that's great xD have a nice life of people using you and your stupidity.

Jasmine@CarlaRenae you the damn fool so you have fun with ya ignorance ignorance leads you no where do go head I'm wise thank you very much !!

Jasmine@CarlaRenae I'm a idiot?! Ya fool like! Go suck out ya whole family dem ya fuckin cunt pussyhole gal

CarlaRenae@Jasmine Lol and I'm the illiterate one? Goodbye, I'm done with you. Lmao.

Jasmine@CarlaRenae I'm far from illiterate okay bbz very very far so don't play that ok!! Thanks! Well then like I said before have fun living an ignorant life bye bye 👉👉👉👉👉

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑Nice idea but poorly executed

Michaelfuck u Obama

👊Duchessjohanna👊Can't stand the bastard. And no, I'm not fucking racist

SakanaruI didnt sign up for it so if I die tomorrow I guess I'll carted off into the streets then.. Oh well..

Jasmine@👊Duchessjohanna👊but why

💚Brittany💙Obama care effects EVERYONE don't get it twisted folks,

💚Brittany💙Obama isn't even the first black president he's the first president to be mixed with like a quarter black