Are you a feminist?

No- comment why
8 votes

I can't decide
17 votes

Yes- comment why
22 votes

I don't know what a feminist is
28 votes


ShadowI just don't give a fuck

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯lol most people don't know what a feminist is!!!!!!

a personI support the idea of it I guess.

SerpentineI sorta do— I go for first and second-wave feminism, not third. I'm guessing many people aren't familiar with those terms, so I'll explain, since I have studied this before. First-Wave Feminism- A political act in the 1920's-30's defending women's rights, such as voting rights. Many of these women had traditional roles, such as stay-at-home moms, and were proud of their roles. Second-Wave Feminism- An act in the 1960's-70’s asking for women not to be defamed for wanting an education and getting a job, breaking the tradition, because there were few women before that who went to college. This movement asked for many political rights. Third-Wave Feminism- An act in that started in the 1990's that is still present today. This act was covering the ideas of second-wave feminism, and asking for more of an overall equality. Third-wave feminism asks for women to have equal rights, but the women don't take any responsibility who ask for these rights in third-wave feminism. Many women take this idea too far, and treat men as useless, good-for-nothing "bastards" who always do everything wrong, who couldn't do anything without women. The reality is that women couldn't do much without men, because men do the ACTUAL hard work, building our civilization you see. Sure, women typically raise children, a very IMPORTANT job, but raising a child inside of a shelter isn't as hard as building houses, machines, factories, and many more. Even if women do work a job, they are typically in an office, which isn't as hard as physical work. And may I remind you of the military, where the majority of them are men? It's a hard task, but they choose to anyway. There are few women who choose to serve our country, and I salute them for that. But men give priceless contributions to our society, and I respect that.

Ethan@🍑Totally😝 we learned about that in sociology

Serpentine@Ethan Learned what? The different waves of feminism?

Ethan@🍑Totally😝 yeah