Which outfit would you wear on any normal day (i made all of them)

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Awesomeness#1I seriously doubt that you made those you LIAR

#IamawesomeShe probrobly made them on an app called Polyvole

isabel@Awesomeness#1 I did make them on polyvore it's actually a really good app where you can find a lot of clothes so I'm not lying thank you very much

Awesomeness#1we'll you didn't mention polevore so I didn't know that you made them there and I was thinking you meant you made them by hand (or sewing machine )

KaitlynI wish I could wear all of them

isabel@Kaitlyn I know same I wish I had them to wear

💐LiaJayne💐no offense but u should try not to put leggings with a dress😁😁