If you had one wish, what would You wish for?

Havé your dream job
21 votes

Meet a rockstar
8 votes

A mansion
37 votes

Marry a prince😘
19 votes


caylanone of the fucking above

Blondecheerleaders{FPS}To have 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,992 wishes

Lindsey.Loveif I had 1 wish it would be to have the person I love to love me back😔

Seattle_❤️☺️infinity wishes

Seattle_❤️☺️@cayla 😂😂

DonutluvMC{ACS}Dream job cause my mom doesn't approve of it even though I really want to be a YouTube gamer

ĆäśśïëQüëëńpursuit of happiness because right now there is none in my life

MissUSA♥️{FPS}~{PVG}To have all superpowers