What color do u think my eyes r?

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SerpentineHaha just like mine.

Kylie@🍑Totally😝 cool lol

PenPineappleApplePenDo they change color?

Kylie@💩monkey poo💩 no they don't


PenPineappleApplePen@Kylie Oh I was gonna say if they turn Green that would be so badass!! But oh well... Nice color tho😊

Serpentine@💩monkey poo💩 Mine turn from a deep blue to a gray-blue, but yea it would be pretty badass if they did turn green.

Kylie@💩monkey poo💩 oh okay thanks tho

PenPineappleApplePen@🍑😝Totally😝🍑 Innit doe?! I'd be so jelly😳

PenPineappleApplePen@Kylie Welcomez😋

Kylie@💩monkey poo💩 #amazing

PenPineappleApplePen@Kylie beep beep boop boop!! I am an 👽

Serpentine I don't think You're ready for dis jelly

Kylie@💩monkey poo💩 lol

SerpentineLemme fix dat. . .

PenPineappleApplePen@🍑😝Totally😝🍑 Wha?


Serpentine I don't think You're ready for dis jelly

SerpentineClose enough 😹😹

PenPineappleApplePen@🍑😝Totally😝🍑 Umm.. Grape or Skrawberry?😕

Serpentine@💩monkey poo💩 I think it's a Bêyonce song or some crap.

PenPineappleApplePenIm gonna use Bing Bong again after every sentence.. Bing Bong🔔😑

Serpentine@💩monkey poo💩 Actually, it's pineapple crap.

PenPineappleApplePen@🍑😝Totally😝🍑 Oh😮 Sorry I dont know any of her stuff😅

PenPineappleApplePenOh shit!! Bing Bong! Bing Bong🔔😑

Serpentine@💩monkey poo💩 I'll do that too Bing Bong 🔔

PenPineappleApplePen@🍑😝Totally😝🍑 I've never had pineapple jelly before Bing Bong🔔😑

SerpentinePoo poo 💩 Bing Bong 🔔

PenPineappleApplePen@🍑😝Totally😝🍑 Coolz Bing Bong🔔😑

Serpentine@💩monkey poo💩 Yeah me neither Bing Bong 🔔

Serpentine@💩monkey poo💩 Mi disgusto!! (I'm trying to speak spanish.) Bing Bong 🔔

PenPineappleApplePen@🍑😝Totally😝🍑 Umm La Cuckarachas como Taquitos la Taco Bell la Chimi Chongas Bing Bong🔔😑

Serpentine@💩monkey poo💩 Chorizo Polo Leche Tacos Tamales Tortilla Chica Churros!!! Bing Bong 🔔

Serpentine@💩monkey poo💩 AIY YIY YIY!! Bing Bong 🔔

PenPineappleApplePen@🍑😝Totally😝🍑 (Does his best Consuela from Family Guy) Mmm... Noo...... Me no comprende Mmm... Noo.... Bing Bong🔔😑

Naila😝@💩monkey poo💩I know how to talk and type and write in Spanish because I'm Hispanic

Naila😝Hola me llamo Naila como estas yo quiero balar con ustedes

Naila😝 Ablar no balar

PenPineappleApplePen@Naila😝 Oh my Spanish sucks😅

Naila😝@💩monkey poo💩really 😅

Naila😝@💩monkey poo💩if u want I'll help u

Serpentine@Naila😝 I know the teeniest bit of spanish. Lol

Superstar123who's monkey poo

PenPineappleApplePen@💝emily💝 Me