What is the best Quentin tarentino movie

Dusk til dawn
39 votes

Django unchained
84 votes

70 votes


Screamin' Lord ByronResivoir Dogs by far.

Raymond i didn't much like that movie mr. Blue. It was more like a super low budget movie rather than a QT movie. Honestly the movie was somewhat poorly made and the acting was shitty.

Bill Rabara Pulp fiction

Screamin' Lord ByronI thought the acting was great! It had a lot of suspense, and kept you rivited until the end. A lot of tension between Mr. White and Mr. Blonde. All on a shoestring budget. Give it another try.

Screamin' Lord ByronAnd by the way, From Dusk 'Til Dawn was not a Quentin Tarentino movie. It was directed by Robert Rodriguez. Q. T. helped to write it.

Raymond I stand corrected about dusk til dawn, it is a RR movie. @bill I totally forgot about pulp fiction that was one of the best.

Screamin' Lord ByronPulp Fiction WAS truly a classic!


MarisaPulp Fiction :)

Kendraxxpulp fiction

Dominic Lambertpulp fiction

Good singer and raper trinityhey

TheDartdefinitely Pulp Fiction

Unique kill bill

PuristoPulp Fiction all the way!!