Name all things you hate and love in the comments.

66 votes

8 votes

13 votes

14 votes


Not Your Average CalvinLove: women, muenster cheese, cracking people a smile, comic books, soccer, when people lift others' spirits up, critters, nature, shoes, being whacko, antique dolls and mud Hate: bullies, abortion, weed addicts, constantly immature folks, horrible grammar, Superman, being ignored, alcohol and my goat

kirsty@Nutty The Breasticlizer awesome, thanks for commenting 😃

kirstyAnd your hates are the same as mine

Not Your Average CalvinYou're certainly welcome then.. even the Superman one? 👽

PenPineappleApplePen@kirsty Muenster cheese is amazing I love it actually I like all cheese

PenPineappleApplePenHeres my take *ahem! I hate old drivers especially when they drive slow on the passing lane, old people at the cash register they move like friggen snakes fuck!,


PenPineappleApplePenStupid people ei dumbass rednecks trying to prove a point trying sound smart but in reality look stupid with their toothless & greasy ass hair

Serpentine@💩monkey poo💩 Wow, I'm surprised you didn't say you like the Pink taco.

PenPineappleApplePenDrunk people, homeless people holding up a piece of cardboard begging for $ get a fuckin job you lazy cunt!

PenPineappleApplePenAnd now for the things I love..... Family, my Cat Archibald, my Turtle Turbo because she runs really fast (unusual I know) My life I'm very grateful even though Im not rich, Food, Coke, Rootbeer, Green apple Jolly Ranchers, Gummy colas, Steak.... I'll think of more later

PenPineappleApplePen@🍑TotallyLadyLumps🍑 His is my serious side😑

Serpentine@💩monkey poo💩 Oh wow. I guess I'll ask serious too.

SerpentineLike: My friends, family, my dogs, my cat, turtles, my faves on heycrowd, dancing, piano, debate, water, and food (lol). Dislike: Drama, mac and cheese, burgers, mashed potatoes, orange juice, beggars, bad breath, baths, divas, illiterate and unwilling to learn, idiots, racist people, radical feminists, people who pick fights with other people over the internet, my period, when my phone/iPad dies, and reality shows.

PenPineappleApplePen@🍑TotallyLadyLumps🍑 yah like totalleh!!

kirsty@Nutty The Breasticlizer yeah, even the superman one

kirsty@☁️LumpySpacePrincess☁️ me too

jadeline.marie😘i love: music, love, friends, besties, family, food, dogs, singing and PIZZA🍕🍕👍 i hate: enemies, when my phone dies, fights, when i dont have pizza, racist, idiots,bulliyng. 👎

#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPS@jadeline.marie😘 everything is the same for me lol#goodchoices

MarisaWrite a commentI hate big dogs creepy Crawley's bad people drugs and snakes I love my family my my sister my brother God and money

KortLove her hate my for loving her

luckyhate people being against gays lesbians and bisexuals and transgender, love people who accept it

PenPineappleApplePenOh yah i remember I hate stupid people especially black toothed greasy haired redneck ignorant dumbass motherf*ckers

PenPineappleApplePenI also like rollercoasters swimming fishing hiking building practical shit taking a lot of showers because I hate feeling sweaty & sticky love sci fi stuff & action stuff.. I'll think of more later

Bubble_223@ThickHeadedBastards_o that's most of the stuff I love except I don't have a cat or turtle I love my dog princess

EthanI love lamp

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@ThickHeadedBastards_o Nobody hires homeless people...

PenPineappleApplePen@HunterOfArtemis🌚 If theyre dressed nicely😑