Omg, good luck.
14 votes

I don't care.
7 votes


♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔Do you know how many? Mom told me, but I'm not telling you. You wouldn't wanna know.

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔Please don't force me to tell you… because you're gonna regret it after.

Nature Lover (GTH)@♛⭐️℘ཞıŋƈɛʂʂ_ơʄ_ʂɬąཞʂ™⭐♛ dude, it's only 2 or 4, not 6. That was before my wisdom teeth

JamesBondGot mine removed a month ago, hurt like a bitch. Good luck 👍🏽

Nature Lover (GTH)@Luca_Brasi oh shit that doesn't make me feel any better

Jaxx@NatureLover at least you get ice cream and all sorts of soft junk food after! If you want, maybe one of ur parents can get you on video after, since you've been drugged to not feel pain, the meds also make you kind loopy

Jaxxso you can look back and laugh if you want, or if u don't, you still get a special treatment because well, you're in pain

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@NatureLover That sucks. It happened to my friend a few weeks ago. A few summers ago I had all my remaining ba at teeth pulled so that my permanent ones would come in in time for braces (I lost 10)

Sarah(FAM/PMS)I spent a week on the couch watching TV and eating pudding, ice cream, and Mac n cheese. It was actually fun.

Nature Lover (GTH)@Gail ugh, I'm actually scared. What of they don't put me on the medicine? I'd have to feel the tugging and possibly a lot of pain when the shot-that-makes-your-gums-numb wear out. My jaw is small, so the wisdom teeth are not really out yet. My gums are taking over 😭 my mouth is a mess

PenPineappleApplePen@NatureLover I had one extracted you will hear a crunch! as they extract it & then its over. Theyll put a small piece of gauss over the hole..

Nature Lover (GTH)Oh bloody hell, has anyone had their wisdom teeth not removed but rearranged so that it will at least fit on the jaw?

NotoriousHahaha you're fucked 😂 I had to take care of my sister who was 18-19 at the time. I forget. And she was loopy as hell. Drooling on herself as she tried to spoon orange juice into her mouth.. 😂😂

EthanI get mine removed next week

Nature Lover (GTH)Ugh...I have 2 days left until my death bed

NotoriousWell you have the right to be rude and obnoxious for a week or so! Hehe. And people will do things for you as you will be in lala land. ;-) Good luck!

PenPineappleApplePen@NatureLover Its not that bad

Nature Lover (GTH)Thanks...