What do u think happened to meh foot

Sprang ankle
33 votes

Broken foot
9 votes

9 votes

15 votes



Savonneare you ok @Gizzy

Twilightgirl✨Has I am fine it's just sore

Twilightgirl✨I meant yas and thank you for asking

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Gizzy Omg! I hope you feel better! What happened?😦

#Queen👑👸💐{SBP}{ABC}OᗰG 😱😨😭😪😰😱😖😓😢😫😩😵😲😧😦😟😬😕😯😶😮👷 how did it happen feel reals bads

💜doge💜itza stitches i know how it happened😐


Twilightgirl✨I was Ina canoe accident and the canoe turned over and the curent was strong and pulled me down the river I got caught in a tree and the current pulled me under water and I was kicking and got my foot stuck on a branch and ripped it and it was split open and I had to get stitches

💜doge💜😐see itza dumb

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Gizzy ooh! That must suck! I'm sure you'll be back on your feet soon. Must have been painful, though.

💜doge💜yea she will get the stitches out on 6-26-15