Why is everyone changing there name to someone in adventure time

Because it is awesome
1 votes

I don't know
17 votes

It's in style
1 votes

Cuz it's boss
7 votes


EthanFuck those guys

Sarah(FAM/PMS)They're all just bishes and asshats.


Twilightgirl✨ U guys have those names

alexᗩᗪᐯEᑎTᑌᖇE TIᗰE ᔕᑌᑕKᔕ ᗩᔕᔕ!!

Aracelylovesspideydis "trend" saks!!!!!

Ethan@Aracely you sak

PenPineappleApplePen@alex Monkey Poo has something for you to suck like totalleh😑

AracelylovesspideyI mean it saks cuz everyone is doing it just because one person said so

Aracelylovesspidey@Alex yeah it does it is so stupid