Would you rather have:

Average face, knockout body
591 votes

GORGEOUS face and a body that's not perfect
457 votes


Ashley _ Jade _ Courtney _ Sara both idk

NayaGORGEOUS face and a knockout body

🍀Lind$ey🍀@Naya me too

JessI have very close to both of them my face is above average and so is my body

Heatherwell id rather have a gorgeous face and a body that's not perfect because if anything I could just workout and make my body a "knockout" but you can't really do anything about an average face I mean you could put makeup on or get surgery or something but then you won't feel naturally beautiful

Tardis900I agree with heather

Lexi<3@Heather I agree with u

Starteari have both

Tweetybird😘I'd rather be just the way I am


Alexis Smithawesome face then you can just get fit LOGIC

ǰʉłïⱥ ∞Uh why can't I just be me?

EthanI'm prettier than all of you, so couldn't care less

Not Your Average CalvinCould neither be an answer?