Do you believe in God?

4 votes

92 votes

14 votes


FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMSI believe to a certain extent. I believe he is real I just don't believe in all the powers.

AracelylovesspideyI believe he is the creator of our world and everyone and everything in it. I believe he watches over us and if ur evil he sends you to hell to rot. If ur good he lets you live life once more through reincarnation.😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@Aracely that was an amazing comment.

Not Your Average CalvinJesus/God was once a real person and he died. After that, nothing happened. He was just an ordinary person who once roamed the earth.

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@Nutty that u are right

PenPineappleApplePenKinda... 👽

ĆäśśïëQüëëńI believe in Him and I know that he loves me even though that I am bad sometimes... He is my saving grace❤️

Melancholic Gamer🤕No, as an agnostic, I don't believe in God. I do, however, like some of the teachings of Christianity.

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@JakeTheDog(2) that's really cool

99I do but not in the exact human form but I do believe in Jesus Christ of Nazareth as our savior

AbbyYes why do u?

PenPineappleApplePenI believe in 👽


RayI'm not a Christian. A human is not God

Serpentine@Beautiful_In_My_Own_Way Yeah.

Serpentine@Ray That's my opinion. I believe "God" is an energy with both Masculine and Feminine energies, not a human male.


🎩Banter🎩No i dont believe in a "God". I could never follow christianity or have any faith in their god. However, simce i cannot prove god does not exist i must concede that a higher being might exist although im not a believer

🎩Banter🎩However i dont believe that any higher being would actually exist within a religion. It would be wrong to label it with certain beliefs and to push those views on others

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@🎩Banter🎩 yeah. I get where ur coming from

Simran💁💟💓👛💕yes I believe in god i love him so much for making a beatiful world oh remember god didnt make fight guns or anything violence we people did

🎩Banter🎩Ye but he did make the world which includes volcanoes and earthquakes etc etc

🎩Banter🎩he also created the mosquito which carries malaria that kills millions of children

Serpentine@🎩Banter🎩 I see what you're saying.

🎩Banter🎩i just think it would be foolish to think that "his" design was perfect cause he fucked up when he made everything. If he made everything that is obviously

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Idek. I'd like to believe in an afterlife, but we can never truly know.

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@BMO(Sarah)[THB] There may not be an after life but there may be. There may not be a safe place we go to but there may be. We believe what we want to. Some people claim to have been to this wonderful life but we can never know for sure. Remember. Us as humans make mistakes and lie. It's in our nature.

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMSthere could be an after life. There could not be. We believe what we want. That's just how it works. People claim to have gone to these wonderful places but it's in our nature to deny and lie. So we won't know for sure until we go there our selves

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@BeautifulCurse51(THB) Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's kind of sad, but id rather just make the best of what life is now.

Simran💁💟💓👛💕@🎩Banter🎩 shut up god loves you he made you dont say that to him 😨 we people are foolish he didnt make anything to hurt us

🎩Banter🎩except for the talking snake, malaria, death, pain etc etc

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@🎩Banter🎩 pain is a feeling. You can't have a rainbow with out a little rain. You can't have happiness without a little pain. Do u get where I'm coming from?

🎩Banter🎩Well considering god is all powerful, ye we could've

99@BeautifulCurse51(THB) good words

Aracelylovesspidey@BeautifulCurse51(THB). Thank you!😎

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@🎩Banter🎩 we could have what? Gone on without pain? Do you expect God to make us feel happiness when a loved one has passed?

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@Michael Bagdasarian thank you 😊

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@Aracely you are very welcome.

🎩Banter🎩my point is, since god is all powerful why would he make death in the first place? I know the whole, no light without darkness routine, my point is, why are there so many bad things that can happen if god is all powerful

Simran💁💟💓👛💕@🎩Banter🎩 well you grow and god takes your beatiful soul back to him because you get to much old but then god makes you born again btw your soul is the real you so you actually font die your soul lives forever 😉 your soul is made by god its a drop of light 😀

Simran💁💟💓👛💕* dont

SerpentineI like religion and all, but I dislike the religious people who try to preach at me and other non-religious people.

SkylerI do believe in God. I believe that God makes everything happen for a reason even all the bad things like death. For example my grandfather passed away last year and I was devastated but I had to remind myself everything happens for a reason. I thought God could have saved him from going through a lot more painful death. His death was not very painful thanks to God.

🎩Banter🎩look up stephen fry what would he say to god on YouTube and that is my point

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@🎩Banter🎩 if our bodies didn't shut down then there would be way to many people. That's why God does what he does. Just let him take care of things at his leisure

🎩Banter🎩Look im just simplifying these points. I dont mean literally why does he kill people im talking about why are there so many bad things that, if there is a god, why did he create them?

🎩Banter🎩cancer, malaria, diseases that happen to young innocent children. Its in no way justified for a god to do that. If there is a god someone needs to tell him to stop being such a fucking dick

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@🎩Banter🎩 don't talk about him like what. It's us who fuck up this world not him.

🎩Banter🎩yes cause cancer, aids, malaria is really our fault (sarcasm btw)

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@🎩Banter🎩 stop! God only gives us what we can handle and helps us with the rest

🎩Banter🎩Can i just ask, if a man or woman could cure all the diseases in the world but decided not to he would be a fucking dick for not doing it. If god is so great im sure he could cure them all but he chooses not to

🎩Banter🎩therefore if a man would be considered a dick for letting innocent lives die, in theory so can god

🎩Banter🎩That is if there is a god

Sarah(FAM/PMS)He's got some good points.

🎩Banter🎩ye cause we seem to be handling diseases very well. Thats why no one is dying if cancer or malaria anymore 😃😃

🎩Banter🎩sarcasm again

🎩Banter🎩in the bible, god kills millions of people, he wipes out entire populations ffs, satan kills like 6 people at most. Who's the real bad guy there?

🎩Banter🎩plus, the apple that eve ate in the garden of eden granted humans the power to make our own choices. The devil gave us free will not god. If it was up to him we'd be mindless drones. And he punished our entire species forever apparently cause one woman ate a fucking apple

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@🎩Banter🎩 Jesus did good in his lifetime too, asshole! Just because our lives aren't perfect because the snake made Adam eat the fruit, because HE made him, doesn't mean that God isn't real... The devil tempts people but you just don't hear about it as much because he isn't important, but God still performs miracles and we hear about it a lot, so thank you, don't try to shake my faith

ĆäśśïëQüëëńdamn can't see it

99@🎩Banter🎩 Fool! It is the apple that ruined humanity forever! U act as if u are a follower of satan

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Michael Bagdasarian He's saying God could have just not made the damn Apple.

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@🎩Banter🎩 he started over. Things weren't going as planned. He didn't get rid of everyone. We all die because it's how it goes. There is a start to everything and an end to everything. How hard is that to understand

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@Michael Bagdasarian he is saying that there is no God... So I am thinking he is

🎩Banter🎩i act as if i am someone who wanted to make my own choices and from what i know the ability to make my own choices came from that apple that god didnt want us to eat

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@ČäśśïëQüëëñ Of you don't believe in God, then you wouldn't believe in Satan. So you wouldn't be worshipping Satan.

99That can be true yes, but he was saying that the evil serpent was good

🎩Banter🎩even then why punish us for a mistake that eve supposedly made? Thats like giving a child detention because their grandmother didnt hand in a piece of homework decades ago. Its fucking stupid

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@BMO(Sarah)[THB] yeah idk I'm stupid I haven't been to church class in like, 5 years so idk

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@ČäśśïëQüëëñ I hope that Apple was sliced tho. Apples taste so much better in slices.

🎩Banter🎩@BeautifulCurse51(THB) i assume you're speaking of noah's ark? I can't use logic against someone who thinks that two of every species fit on a boat. The idea itself is ridiculous im sorry but you need a better point to make me understand your way of thinking

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@BMO(Sarah)[THB] yup then it wasn't worth eating and this whole mess could've been avoided... Maybe

🎩Banter🎩@Michael Bagdasarian i dont even believe there was an evil serpent the whole adam and eve thing was probably intended as a metaphor or a story to teach morals to children

🎩Banter🎩i dont think it was intended as to be read as fact

🎩Banter🎩but surely the fact that the serpent encouraged us to have free will and to make our own choices were good in intention. What tells us that he's evil? God tells us he's evil

99@🎩Banter🎩 true about the children part but there was something even more controversial that happened and I know of it

🎩Banter🎩i'd like a book written from the snakes view. "So there's this twat called dave right, decided to create a fucking planet. So he did. He turned on the lightbulb to see what he was doin then made his little models."

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@🎩Banter🎩 God gave Adam and Eve a pretty good life and anything that they could ask for except for one tree, one tree out of the whole world!! That's evil? No evil is the serpent that tempted them to ruin that

🎩Banter🎩"I decided to give these models a bit of juice to make them move on their own to help him and omg he hit the fucking fan. He threw them away and made more models just to smash them after a while. Now he's calling me a snake even though he's the one smashing them up"

👊Duchessjohanna👊Adam and Eve was a cute story. Emphasis on the story.


🎩Banter🎩@👊Duchessjohanna👊 thank god you're here 😫😫

👊Duchessjohanna👊@🎩Banter🎩 I can see you're dealing with the typical bible humpin crowd lol. Figured you could use some backup lol

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@🎩Banter🎩 so that they know what good is and what bad is, and know to stay away from the bad

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@ČäśśïëQüëëñ But why make bad?

👊Duchessjohanna👊Ok literally it's fine to believe that there is some deity out there (I'm skeptical), but don't try and argue logic about a fictional book.

🎩Banter🎩but god never gave them the ability to differentiate between them!! The apple is what lets us tell the difference and make a choice. So really at the time eve couldn't tell the difference between good and bad. It was just a matter of not doing what you're told and god FUCKING PUNISHED ALL OF US

Sarah(FAM/PMS)You know, group punishments are really ineffective.😐

🎩Banter🎩^ yes

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@🎩Banter🎩 you need to learn about this shit!! Yes he did

🎩Banter🎩i do know what im saying. I research these types of things because it interests me

Sarah(FAM/PMS)The reason group punishments are out in place is because the authority figure(s) are too lazy to deal with the actual trouble makers.

👊Duchessjohanna👊How do we know? What proof do we have other than a severely outdated book?

🎩Banter🎩the books itself might've been just an extremely early version of harry potter. Kid is born. Does some magic every now and again. Gets a cult following etc etc

🎩Banter🎩it might've been a best selling fiction in its time we dont know

👊Duchessjohanna👊😂😂 true

PenPineappleApplePen@👊Duchessjohanna👊 OMGz!! Youre back!! Its me Sakanaru😃

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@LumpySpacePrincess[THB] Yaaas you're on! And isn't is great?

👊Duchessjohanna👊@LumpySpacePrincess[THB] FRIEND! I missed you!!!

PenPineappleApplePen@👊Duchessjohanna👊 Yah I missed you too! Its soo good to have you back!😄

EthanNow we just need Miranda to come back

PenPineappleApplePen@BMO(Sarah)[THB] Yah I missed having her around its like old times again!😁

PenPineappleApplePen@Ethan Innit doe!! The old gang!

👊Duchessjohanna👊@LumpySpacePrincess[THB] the gang's all here lmao

🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸@🎩Banter🎩 God gave Adam and Eve a choice like her has everyone. The choice to do good and the choice to do bad. They chose to make the wrong choice. When the wrong choice is made, someone needs to decide what will happen. God decided that if there was more than just them at risk, they wouldn't do it, but they did and Satan encouraged it. Satan likes to see people suffer and that's why he convinced them

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@🌸MissMandiMae🌸 Too long, can't read.

🎩Banter🎩@🌸MissMandiMae🌸 im just assuming you havent read anything i've said recently about what the apple allowed us to do. So imma let you go back, read it again, take it all in and then come back

🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸@🎩Banter🎩 long story short: everyone has choices. Satan likes to se the wrong ones. He convinced them to eat the apple to watch to world suffer eternally. Yes the snake serves a metaphorical purpose, but so does the apple

🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸@🎩Banter🎩 I have seen all of that shit and may I say damn!!

99This story has a lot of symbolism. It symbolizes the greatest controversy: how humans became worthless. There WAS no Apple. It was something that humans adore and misinterpret

🎩Banter🎩so god doesnt want us to be curious, doesnt want us to explore, doesnt want us to make our own choices? Still a dick then

99The apple was just symbolism for kids to read and not corrupting them with the evil truth

🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸@Michael Bagdasarian the apple was disguised as pain and suffering, eating the apple was a symbol of allowing the pain and hurt.

🎩Banter🎩@Michael Bagdasarian i know there was no apple but my point was that if people really look at the bible god is a dick

99Children are born pure and the highest class that NOTHING can surpass. Outside influence entices them unfortunately

🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸@🎩Banter🎩 God had his reasons for doing that and people think of it as punishment when it isn't really, just a new beginning

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Does anyone think if people hadn't taken the bible so literally ask stuff, women probably wouldn't have been persecuted, as well as the LGBTQ+ community?


EthanI like apples🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎

🎩Banter🎩look my point still stands, its logical to think that if there is a god, he would be a dick

EthanThey are so yummy😋

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Ethan Same. But they need to be sliced up. 🔪

🎩Banter🎩the bible has kept society in the dark ages for too long. It was time to move on

Ethan@BMO(Sarah)[THB] and with some peanut butter!

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Ethan Oh my god, right!?

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Or cheese slices and crackers. 😋

🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸@🎩Banter🎩 well that's your opinion because some people have another perspective and see that what God did was reasonable and see it as a symbol or logical thinking


Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Ethan I'm still annoyed that Apple hasn't made cheese emojis.

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@🎩Banter🎩 you know you are like the only one arguing about this... The rest are talking about apples.... Damn now I'm hungry... Thanks a lot Ethan

🎩Banter🎩i know its my opinion. I dont have a problem if you think god shits rainbows, they're the ones who got annoyed with me cause i think if there is a god he is a dick

Sarah(FAM/PMS)I'd also say it apples go good with wine, but I haven't tried alcohol so I wouldn't know. 😐

Ethan@BMO(Sarah)[THB] I didn't even notice that lol

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@🌸MissMandiMae🌸 damn it Mandi

🎩Banter🎩@ČäśśïëQüëëñ okay good for you?

🎩Banter🎩@BMO(Sarah)[THB] they do

🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸@ČäśśïëQüëëñ I like donuts better than apples… imma go get a donut

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@🎩Banter🎩 yes good for me!! Thanks you inconsiderate bastard!

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Ethan And there's no popcorn emoji! Like wtf they have squash👉🏼🍠

Ethan@BMO(Sarah)[THB] 💢🌽

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@🎩Banter🎩They do what?

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Ethan That's not the same tho. It's by a big red container filled with golden pieces of popcorn. Stupid Apple

🎩Banter🎩@ČäśśïëQüëëñ whats your problem?

🎩Banter🎩@BMO(Sarah)[THB] they go well with wine

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@🎩Banter🎩 Ohhhh. Yeah that's what I hear. Good to have it confirmed.

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@🎩Banter🎩 you are an asshole sir, what can I say

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@ČäśśïëQüëëñ For having his own opinion?

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@BMO(Sarah)[THB] no... He is just nothing but an asshole to me

🎩Banter🎩@BMO(Sarah)[THB] apparently 😂. And there is no need to call me Sir. "My Lord" will be just fine

ĆäśśïëQüëëń@🎩Banter🎩 yea when pigs fly

🎩Banter🎩@ČäśśïëQüëëñ because i dont like the idea of the christian god?

🎩Banter🎩@ČäśśïëQüëëñ why have you got a problem with me again?


🎩Banter🎩@BMO(Sarah)[THB] except for faggots. The bible hates faggots

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@🎩Banter🎩 That's just sad. Would Jesus still love them?

🎩Banter🎩probably not

Ethan@BMO(Sarah)[THB] yes

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Well, either way, the bible didn't.

99Jesus loves all that don't fall towards evil even if one of the good people are gay

😍❣Stevana❣😍Yes I believe in God

PenPineappleApplePen🎶Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so! Little ones to him belong, they are weak but he is strong!🎶

PenPineappleApplePen🎶Yes Jesus loves me.. Yes Jesus loves me.. Yes Jesus loves me.. The Bible tells me so.....🎶😮

🎩Banter🎩is that an actual song?

PenPineappleApplePen@🎩Banter🎩 Yeah in Murica😂

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@🎩Banter🎩 it is and it is very true. Jesus loves us no matter what.

🎩Banter🎩sure thing 👍🏻