Which type of apocalypse do you believe (or maybe hope) would come first? 💀

Economic collapse
9 votes

Nuclear holocaust
8 votes

Natural disaster
13 votes

16 votes


swampmattall of them would include economic collapse lol

Not Your Average Calvinzombies could never exist...

CaitlynVredwell actually I wouldn't say never, there is a fungus that can take over the minds of tarantulas after its invaded there bodies and can even make them move so what if that were to happen to people if enough of this fungus was to come about... then not only that, bath salts have caused someone to pretty much go cannibal on someone... I wouldn't say never.. Even if it doesn't happen, it's fun to think it could. @Nutty

CaitlynVred@Nutty well actually I wouldn't completely say never, there is a case of a fungus that when it invades a tarantulas body, it actually has the control of its mind causing it to move its limbs so I figured what if this were to happen to people where enough of this fungus came about and was mass produced? Then there's another case of bath salts causing one man to go cannibal on someone... So I mean I wouldn't say never, even if it doesn't happen... It's fun to think it could

SerpentineNuclear Holocaust

Not Your Average Calvin@CaitlynVred Huh. Well, that is certainly interesting. Yet an awful thought.
