Would you lie to you friend so she isn't sad or would you tell her the truth and hurt her feelings?

33 votes

Not lie
45 votes


FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMSlying creates barriers between you and your friends. Tell them the truth 100% they can get over the truth but lies are haunting

Melancholic Gamer🤕Definitely not lie. Sometimes I tell the truth when it's unwanted and unnecessary. I definitely have a problem.

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@JakeTheDog(2) but at least ur friends know ur honest. That means if they ask u to keep a secret they know u wont tell anyone.

SerpentineHehe yeah. . . Everyone knows me as "That girl you can tell secrets to."

AracelylovesspideyI wouldn't lie. Because my friend needs to face life as a WARRIOR💪🏽💪🏽!!!! But mainly because if I lie, I'll probably get caught anyway😆😆!!

Not Your Average CalvinI can't purposely upset anyone unless they piss me off too much so yeah.. Definitely gonna spare their feelings no matter how wrong it is.

FlamePrincessTHB/FAM/PMS@Aracely haha I feel bad when I lie

Kyleigh_m44I had to tell my best friend a truth about a boy and I felt so bad