What's your favorite kind of skittles

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15 votes

100 votes

84 votes

Wild berry
65 votes



🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸I have only had regular

#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPSi hate skittles xD I only like the regular red ones

eggsdon't like skittles

JamesBond@Samantha same here

AlexaI don't know how I'm American but I don't like skittles

Alilove them!

i💖hamsterslove them all but my top favorite are... Sour


PaigeWild berry cause I can't eat orange or I'll barf on your face


MonkeyDLuffyLover4LifeSour and dessert

Princess 44don't like them sorry

Livisour!!!!!!!!! That like asking me what type of candy I like (see what I did there) hahahahaha........ I need help?!