Which time period would you rather live in 💋 (medieval, Victorian, 30s, or 50s) ?

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19 votes


Sarah(FAM/PMS)Well, it would be awesome to wear he clothing from the Medieval period.

D_LannnI honestly don't know every part was totally awesome cuz of survival skills and outfits so idk

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯50's or 30's! Idk about medieval period cause there where a lot of diseases😷

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@HunterOfArtemis🌚 *about the medieval....

Cazz🐾THB✨PMS💛STF🐾@BMO(Sarah) I was thinkin the same..! And if not, then Victorian!!

a personTbh, none. We've got it pretty good when you think about how uncomfortable the clothes were and that women weren't allowed to vote or wear pants. And let's not forget pillaging and chamber pots.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@a person Yeah, definitely. Still, I'd love an excuse to wear an elaborate dress like they used to.

a person@BMO(Sarah)[THB] true, true

AngieVictorian 😍