You know who the best person on HeyCrowd is? It's BMO(Sarah). She's the absolute best. Love ya, Sarah!

41 votes

104 votes


Maddie😂👌🏼what about me? you have treated me like crap and expect me to be your friend?

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Awwww thanks! You're awesome, Jake!😄


PenPineappleApplePenoops! Shes mah buddy of buddies☺️

Serpentine@ThatMadiPerson😆 How have I treated you like crap? Did I offend you? Or something else?

Serpentine@BMO(Sarah) Your welcome!

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@JakeTheDog thanks! You are just too sweet!!!☺️

Serpentine@BMO(Sarah) Nahhh. I'm just sweet enough. Not too much, though. 😛

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@JakeTheDog Truuu!😂

SerpentineYup. Definitely. With just a dash of salt. 🍟

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@JakeTheDog Check my latest question!

SerpentineI did. 😋

99@JakeTheDog you say this cause u both like adventure time

99Other than that then U2 would get along easily still

Maddie😂👌🏼@JakeTheDog I thought I was your favorite but I guess not. The question that has your favorites? All the people that you mentioned are probably offended by this question.

Serpentine@ThatMadiPerson😆 Why would they be offended? I was just giving her an extra-special shoutout series because she gave me a shoutout and she doesn't ever give shoutouts.

Serpentine@ThatMadiPerson😆 Look through my questions. Look for "Update on my favorites."

Serpentine@Michael Bagdasarian Actually, it's because she gave me a shoutout and she doesn't ever do shoutouts, so it was special.

Serpentine@Michael Bagdasarian But yeah, we both do like Adventure Time and we do get along. 😋

YouAreLOVED<3yeah so true ^-^

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑yea she's the bomb!