There's this girl I don't want to be friends with anymore and I don't know what to do! PLZ COMMENT

I don't know what to tell u
77 votes

71 votes


ashtagTry to avoid her but not to obvious if she is still hanging around you tell her that you don't really have a good friendship . Hope that helps

KaylaStart hanging out with other friends and hope she will find other friends too if she talks to you just replie with something like okay or I gtg

User 1754527I've been in the same situation... Just if they talk or text u give really short answers and when around them seem really lame or have a ton of fun with ur other friends they won't want to intrude

AbbyIf she is being really mean or something start avoiding her and hanging out with new and or other friends, If she is still doing it tell her that you two have grown apart. Still talk to her and be nice but not really a friend just a buddy

Sparklesista💫Try to tell her gently that you don't want to be friends anymore

Amy_is_the_bomb(AAB)I agree with @Sparklesista22

NatalieWhat I do is just stop talking to them become distant and if they don't get the hint just say bye and leave. Little too harsh??

PenPineappleApplePenJust avoid her plain & simple dont answer her call calls either easy peasy lemon squeezy

ForTheLoveOfWaffles@Sparklesista💫 I agree with her ^

💀EMILY💀{AOF}be real

MissUSA♥️{FPS}~{PVG}let her down easy

🐵🙈🙉🙊start backing away stop talking to her but dont make it obviouse

emilytell her I don't want to be your friend ok sorry I didn't know how to tell you so I didn't mean to hurt your flings still talk to her but not that much just say hi to her