M and my friends got a nickname for my other friend. he's Male. It's Boobzzzzzzzzzz He Gets Really Annoyed When We Call Him It And Its Funny, Should We Keep Calling Him It?

Don't Be Mean!
73 votes

Haha Yeh
132 votes

Lol YES!!! Boobzzzzzzzzz Away
101 votes

No :(
137 votes


TheArcaicHe Kicks Girls When They Call Him Boobzzzzzzzzz

H@TheArcaic Why are you capitalising the firs letter of every single word? It's annoying, grammatically incorrect and just unnecessary. -.-


use123456789if he don't like it don't call him it

Mazait's an epic name but I have experienced this and I not joking I got like really upset😥

atomic buttcheckfuck him after ok