Do you know what Taylor Swifts blood type is? I do…!

A positive
11 votes

B positive
9 votes

C positive
3 votes

0 positive
10 votes



AracelylovesspideyWhat is it

#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPSI'm guessing you really like Taylor Swift to know her blood type... Lol

Aracelylovesspidey@Cutiepie_Princess4ever. Crazy right?😟

#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPS@Aracely Yassss

#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPS@Aracely I seriously don't even know my own blood type😆

Nature Lover (GTH)@Cutiepie_Princess4ever you can say that again

NCA@Cutiepie_Princess4ever I don't know my own blood type either! 😂😂😂 I'm gonna make another telling what the answer is.

EthanThat's fucking creepy
