To prove I am legit for JakeTheDog. Had to write that backwards for you. 😂

12 votes

26 votes


SerpentineHehe. Well done. 😋


SerpentineYou did it for meh!! 😋

SerpentineI have no idea why I thought of this, but since you were anonymous on your gender for awhile, I know most people thought you were a guy. And since I'm JakeTheDog, most people think I'm a guy too, so. . . . We have the same struggle here. But I really don't care. 😜

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Wow! You even wrote it backwards! Good job😄

Cazz🐾THB✨PMS💛STF🐾Pretty smile!!

SerpentineA smile that's better than mine. Lol.


Notorious@🍦Maybe🍦(Sarah) It doesn't look as pretty as when I write normally but it'll do. It's legible ;-)

Notorious@Cazz Thank you, doll.

Notorious@JakeTheDog🍑THB🍑 Hey man, I feel ya. I tried to act as indifferent as possible. And then I tried to pose as male and then female. It was difficult and I failed miserably I think. XD

PenPineappleApplePenI still love you😓

NotoriousHehehe 😏 I love you too!

PenPineappleApplePen@AnonymousToAnExtent Oh... There is a God😋


Serpentine@AnonymousToAnExtent Really? Cause you seemed like both to me. Whereas I know most people say that I act more like a guy. (Even if they see me in person like at school or something.)

NotoriousThis is good! And I don't know what you act like in my opinion. You're just you. Without a gender. You don't lean toward a feminine or masculine side. Or anything in between? Nothing you say rings a bell about what you are.

NotoriousYou just make comments and they're funny and random. And that is all that matters :-)

PenPineappleApplePenJakes cool that way👆🏼

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑You wrote that backwards? That's a lot of effort lol I wouldn't bother

SerpentineI would return the favor, but the app crashes every time I try to add a picture to a question.

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@JakeTheDog🍑THB🍑SBP🍑 The all crashes every time I try to send private messages! I know your pain lol


Notorious@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑 not really. Just a handful of letters on a paper..

SerpentineAgh. That sounds awful.

SerpentineSounds kinda fun, actually. Writing things backwards.

CalvnKleinWow you're really pretty. And you have a very nice smile, its like it emanates confidence somehow 😃

Notorious@CalvnKlein My, why thank you.. 😳

PenPineappleApplePen@AnonymousToAnExtent Its true☺️

NotoriousHope you guys just aren't being nice. I don't get my feelings hurt so you can lay it on thick xD it's all good. But thank you for the sweet compliments. Makes a lady feel decent about her appearance.

PenPineappleApplePen@AnonymousToAnExtent Ha ha!! You're more than welcome😆

Titanic_foreverYour pretty

Serpentine@AnonymousToAnExtent Lol. It's just like when I posted a picture of myself on here for Sarah, then I got a bunch of unexpected comments. (Mostly about my eyes, lol) I wasn't even posting for comments on my appearance, anyway.

Notorious@Okay{ABC} Thank you.

Notorious@JakeTheDog🍑THB🍑SBP🍑 Well. Those two pics are my last. It's unnecessary to be posting myself all over my page. I prefer asking crazy questions and posting facts. You guys do like that, right? 😕

SerpentineYeah. Just like how I would prefer to post it on my other profile.

NotoriousAh clever and makes sense.

CalvnKlein@AnonymousToAnExtent, It's true. I wouldn't just say something to be nice if I didn't mean it hehe :) You should totally take pride in yourself: You're intelligent, confident, bold, and you've got the looks to top it all off 😉

JamesBondYou're pretty 👌

Titanic_forever@AnonymousToAnExtent welcome

Notorious@CalvnKlein Ah gee thanks... 😳 😅 That makes me feel good. You just made my morning. 😌

Notorious@Brasi Thank you :-)

Edvige Gloire hi please contact me ( let's talk