If you guys could have any animal for a pet what would it be?

A fire breathing duck! Quack
4 votes

The MOST cute Kitten in the world!
10 votes

A unicorn!
14 votes

Other animal
12 votes


SlothLoverOut of those, the cutest kitten, but if I could choose, a dog that stops aging once it was supposed to die

SerpentineI already AM a pet! A magic dog! 😜

EmmaI would have a koala beat


Stormybigears@jake the dog Totally! I live adventure time!

Stormybigearssorry meant to say love! Oopsies!

Not Your Average CalvinWhy is everyone always so into unicorns?! πŸ˜•

.A whale or a shark

πŸ˜‚Tabitha{AAB}😊Panda Bear

Serpentine@Ashton Casey {SBP} 'Cause they're awesome! ^ . ^

NotoriousHmm... One of Mike Tyson's pigeons.

Not Your Average CalvinBut.. I don't like being "normal" with anything!