Is my friend pretty

78 votes

239 votes


MelodyWintersShe's wayyyyy prettier than you

Live swag#not I'm like 5 billion times prettier then her

Valentina_Rose@MelodyWinters girl no need to be nasty. I'm assuming you don't have a good self esteem since your asking COMPLETE strangers if your pretty

MelodyWinters@Valentina_Rose well I'm not being nasty, you should see the comments she leaves on my photos


Valentina_Rose@MelodyWinters sorry she's being rude to you, but even if she is you don't need to respond to her negativity by writing something negative on her pictures. She's a kid by what I see

MelodyWintersYeah, next time I won't then, she's 10 years old btw @Valentina_Rose