Opinion on gun laws?

53 votes

14 votes


R.I.P___Caleb😭😭people should be aloud to carry as they please as long as they pass the test

NotoriousThis haha 😂

Not Your Average CalvinThe gun permits need to be tougher to obtain. Deep, deep background check. Anyone with a criminal record caught with one needs to automatically have it given up. And stuff.

Serpentine@AnonymousToAnExtent What? Am I missing something?

Notorious@😋Yes!😋THB🍑SBP😂 Did you forget that quickly about our gun rant 😳

Notorious@Ashton Ketchum I agree with your statement. And I also think your name is clever. And we need to teach more people about gun safety.

Not Your Average CalvinTrue, true. But in a way so those people would actually listen.

Serpentine@AnonymousToAnExtent No. . . That's where I got the idea for the question.

NotoriousI think they would listen regardless of how the session is and who may teach it. Guns can be dangerous to innocent people if used improperly. And it would be great for a teacher to actually shoot a dummy in front of them as an example.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Background checks for guns need to be much more extensive. Also, you shouldn't be able to just walk into a store and buy a gun, like in some states.

NotoriousThey can talk about what to do and what not to do, how to hold a gun properly, laws. What's illegal and legal. How to disarm someone if held at gun point. The history of guns and current events involving guns.

Not Your Average CalvinEh. You never can tell with these guys. A lot of them love to have things their way and has a hissy fit when anyone who proves them otherwise. That could pertain to this as well.

Notorious@Sarah🍦SBP🍦I think bigger guns should be more expensive. Maybe up the price on handguns a bit too, but not too much. And I think it would be wise to get background checks for a handgun, and then get another if you want to purchase a bigger gun.

NotoriousI also think you should be told to take a a little test about what to do in social situations. Write a few sentences describing what should or shouldn't happen in a scenario involving guns. Don't know if they already have that.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)I was reading a book, and someone in it made a good point-why do people have handguns? Aiming is as simple as pointing a finger. Owning rifles and other hunting guns are much more sensible.

milamouseI think there ok

PenPineappleApplePenBack ground checks aren't good enough they should check for medical ones to see if that person is mentally stable..😐