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SerpentineUgh great. This is retarted.

Heyyitsstella@Jakey'sHere!🍑THB🍑PMS🍑 😰

SerpentineThis whole thing about being offensive. . . Just so retarted.

Titanic_forever@Jakey'sHere!🍑THB🍑PMS🍑 what u mean by that

Notorious@Jakey'sHere!🍑THB🍑PMS🍑 The confederacy was a big part in American history.... BUT it's associated with slavery, which is bad. So obviously people want it to come down. Like the swastika. We don't walk around with those?

NotoriousI don't keep up with current events so I don't know whether this is true or not, and frankly I don't care. But if it's true, yippee for those that fought to take it down. Don't know why there were so late in doing it. It's a little bit far in time for this to be a big deal lol

SerpentineLike Notorious said, IT'S A BIG PART OF AMERICAN HISTORY!! Keep it there! And now the media calls everything racist towards blacks, or sexist towards women. It,s sickening. >:(

NotoriousEh. I suppose so.

NotoriousThe media is the master and the people are its puppets. Nothing will change.


Heyyitsstella@Jakey'sHere!🍑THB🍑PMS🍑 yes it's a big part of history so it will be in history books and inside the state house

Heyyitsstella@Jakey'sHere!🍑THB🍑PMS🍑 I don't know if your a kid but you must because you would understand how offensive that flag is if you were an adult.

Serpentine@Bird insane{ABC}(TLF) Age is nothing but a number. My age doesn't sum up the importance of my opinions. And this whole fucking thing about how blacks are mistreated are annoying and a load of crap. I'm sick of it.

Serpentine@Notorious(PMS) Unfortunately.

SerpentineAnd to watch all of these ignorant people obideiently follow whatever the Governement says is a horrid experience. It kills me every time I see it.

Titanic_forever@Jake🍑THB😂SBP😋PMS😝 you can't judge a person from there whole group! Not all blacks are annoying, and what she means by is that kids don't completely understand like me, just adults and teens (some)

Heyyitsstella@Jake🍑THB😂SBP😋PMS😝 I'm not wanting to fight but @titanicislife{ABC}(tlf) is exactly right you can never judge one kind by the rest. And I never said you have to be older to have an opinion, I said you would have to be older to understand the true meaning:)

Serpentine@Titanicislife{ABC}(tlf) Exactly! There's an ongoing stereotype that all whites are racist, but it's not true! Just as all cops aren't bad, and all blacks aren't criminals! Stereotyping is one of the worst things you can do, and I completely agree with what you're saying.

Serpentine@Bird insane{ABC}(TLF) Ah, no. Age doesn't matter. I know some 30 year olds who are pretty freaking stupid and have no idea what is going on, just as there are some kids who can tell you nearly EVERYTHING about history.

Serpentine@Bird insane{ABC}(TLF) And that statement would only make sense if you were saying that you were old enough to be alive during that time. But wait— Everyone who was alive during that time is dead! So that statement does not fit this situation.

Heyyitsstella@Jake🍑THB😂SBP😋PMS😝 oh my fucking god I'm not going to even argue with you, you disagree with everything

Heyyitsstella@Jake🍑THB😂SBP😋PMS😝 but I don't give a shit if your going to disagree with me, than please don't comment on my ?s

HeyyitsstellaBut you have an opinion

SerpentineI don't disagree with everything, I disagree with the media's bullshit. I'll comment on any questions I please, and yes, I do have an opinion that you should reapect just as I repect your opinion, as long as it makes sense.

Heyyitsstella@Jake🍑THB😂SBP😋PMS😝 apparently you do! I'm not saying you can't I don't WANT you to answer mine but you can. And I do respect,okay? I just don't agree with you.

Serpentine@Bird insane{ABC}(TLF) I actually don't. And you're calling me childish, so you're obviously not respecting me and my opinion.

Titanic_forever@Amethyst|NOB|FAM I think she's saying that she disagrees with you but the better way to handle this is not respond. She might not respond ands it's not worth it

Serpentine@Titanicislife{ABC}(tlf) Yeah, true. She's just putting me down and assuming I'm a child because of my opinion that actually DOES make sense, so she's obviously not respecting my opinion and debating properly.

Heyyitsstella@Amethyst|NOB|FAM you see, I think I will leave the app. I can't deal with bitches like you,I'm not going to waste my time anymore fighting with like 4 year old,don't even respond because I won't answer. fuck you bitch😆

Ethan@Amethyst|NOB|FAM you rekt here


Titanic_forever@Amethyst|NOB|FAM that's not what I'm saying. And no opinion is right, but I think the flag should come down and it did!!

Serpentine@Bird insane{ABC}(TLF) I'm not a bitch, I'm just stating my opinion, I'm no where near 4 years old, fuck you too! Glad you're leaving if you're going to have a pissy attitude.

Serpentine@Titanicislife{ABC}(tlf) Yup, opinions are opinions. I just think they're treating us like little kids now tagging everything as offensive.

Serpentine@Ethan🇺🇸FAM🇺🇸 ?

Serpentine@Ethan🇺🇸FAM🇺🇸 ????

Titanic_foreveryes, but she was just disagreeing


Titanic_forever@DernaldTremp 😟😟

PenPineappleApplePen@Myganstashows❤️ Sorry I'm live in the South😁

Titanic_forever@Anti-DemocraticMonkey me too
