Bored comment what to do

69 votes

11 votes




NotoriousGo to wawa, rob the place, hide for a few days until you are forgotten. Then use the money to buy a potato launcher and shoot potatoes at random people walking in your neighborhood.

PenPineappleApplePen@Notorious(PMS) Ooh!! I'm coming over!😳

NotoriousI don't like it when Asians steal my potatoes.

BrookeHaha that is what one of my friends would say



i💖hamstersI think you should go do something fun. And call your friend to go play or something that sow thing fun💋💋💋💋

PenPineappleApplePen@Notorious(PMS) 😂

PenPineappleApplePen@Notorious(PMS) No no! Watch out for your Dogs!😂😂

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Okay, what you do is, bring an office chair out to the sidewalk by your house. Glue a dollar to the sidewalk going past. Sit there and laugh manically as people try to pick it up. D they stare at you, spin around and around in the chair, look at them and screech,"GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!"

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Damnit it's too long!!!

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Glue a dollar to the sidewalk. sit in an office chair and laugh manically when people try to pick it up. If they look at you, start spinning around, and then screech at them "GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!"

PenPineappleApplePen@Sarah🍦SBP🍦PMS🍦Or super glue a silver dollar😂

BrookeThat would be fun to do


Sarah(FAM/PMS)Go to Ikea, hide in a closet or some shit like that, and when people open it up, say "Welcome to Narnia!" You can also do that while crouching in the corner of an elevator.

jermiyahSarah how old are you

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Uhh why?😟

jermiyahSome of your comments are like teenager comments

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Cuz I am one. This app is for people aged 13 and up.

jermiyahI know

Notorious@RAPESURVIVERWELCOME And you are overly sensitive. Get over it.

MARLEYHOLLMANOFFICAL👯@Notorious(PMS) ղօ íʍ ղօե հօա ɑʍ í ᔕeᑎᔕitiᐯe

Notorious@RAPESURVIVERWELCOME Shhhhhhh... Do not respond to my comments. I dislike you.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Notorious(PMS) Yeah, she just tried using "gay" as an offensive word😒 I thought your comment was funny, btw

Notorious@Sarah🍦SBP🍦PMS🍦 Mm.. I saw. And thank you. Glad to have some people around with sharp humor! 😏

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Notorious(PMS) 😎👌🏽of course!

PrincexxBree8What to do hey u said comment what to do!!!

Jacklyn Blare Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy or just Fall Out Boy in general