This boy is cute right he is 16 an in a band we r friends.

38 votes

23 votes

10 votes

A little
20 votes


PenPineappleApplePenYo ass too ergly for him😂

i💖hamsters@👑PrincessTingTong👑PMS agree sorry but I just agree

PenPineappleApplePen@Gabi High five✋🏼💥

PenPineappleApplePenSee if you never insulted me in the first place you wouldnt be getting hate from me😑

Brookeit doesn't really bother me

🌺Nicole🌺i cant see it clearly

Brookelook on my profil pic then u can see better sorry

Shreya💋😽Sorry, but......NO JUST NOOO!!