She is the nicest person I've ever met! Her questions are awesome so please check her profile out!

Ok I will
146 votes

No I won't
124 votes


SkylerBri you are so sweet and caring about everyone! I haven't seen even get into a fight with someone! I just want you to get recognized for it! You are the nicest person on this app by far!

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Oh my gosh! I love her! She is so kind and thoughtful. I'm really glad she's on this app, she adds positivity!

Skyler@Sarah🍦FAM🍦PMS🍦🇺🇸 yes and we definitely need it!

SerpentineGo Bri! 👏

Maddie😂👌🏼I've said hi and we started a convo. Otherwise I don't know her that well, so I'll check her out!

Bri💕thank all of you guys so much!! You are all so thoughtful and nice! This is the sweetest thing ever!!😱😱😘☺️

Skyler@Pøssibly(THB)[SBP]{PMS} you should!

Skyler@Bri{ABC} your welcome! You deserve it!