Who are you in your friend group? Comment if none of these v

The dick
11 votes

The rational one
39 votes

The bumbling idiot
24 votes

The leader of the pack
54 votes


👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑I'm an unlikely mixture of the rational one and the bumbling idiot And sometimes I'm the dick xD I'm basically a bit of all them but the leader.

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑if I didn't tell you that, which would you guess I am? Outta curiosity

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑 Hm. I guess I'd guess that you would be those, as well!😂

Sarah(FAM/PMS)I myself tend to be rational/problem solver, but also extremely cheery and bright. People probably think I'm fake cuz I laugh so hard at everything.

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@Sarah🍦FAM🍦PMS🍦🇺🇸 I totally knew you'd be the rational one! XD and nice! Never lose your cheer :p

Not Your Average CalvinI'd be known as the sweet yet insane one who does not like to use his brain.

Serpentine@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑 Wow! That's also how I would describe myself. Leader, sorta ridiculous, but still rational, and I can turn into HOLY FUCK CRAZY BABY HULK!! (And then I get over it in the next five seconds)

Maddie😂👌🏼@Jäkë|THB|PMS|FAM|NCA omg I'm sorta the same except when the leader is being a bit rude (which sometimes she is) I have to hold out group together.

PenPineappleApplePenI suppose fall under the Bumbling idiot category with a twist of Pervertedness😂

PenPineappleApplePen@Sarah(FAM/PMS/THB) Really?! I do the same thing I laugh louder than my friends😅

PenPineappleApplePen@Sarah(FAM/PMS/THB) But that something has to be really & I mean really funny.😋

Serpentine@😑No!😑 You can't blame yourself for being pervy. You're Uterean. 😁

PenPineappleApplePen@Jäkë|THB|PMS|FAM|NCA Aww thanks for understanding😋 (Is there such a thing as overstanding? Nvm I was just thinking out loud😅)

SerpentineWhat? Lol 😂

AracelylovesspideyI am basically Louis,Liam,Niall,Harry,and Zayn rolled in one. Btw yes I do know Zayn isn't in the band anymore.😜😜

Ethan@Aracely that sucks

SquishySmiles😃I'm sorta the one who unintentionally makes the conversation awkward.

SquishySmiles😃Put of those, the bumbling idiot

noeQuite an easy decision if you don't really have any friends. So I'm basically nothing.