Do you have any "rivals" on this app? Why do people have rivalries?

Not me!😇
33 votes

5 votes

I've got a few enemies on here.😠
8 votes

I have a ton of foes!😤
3 votes


Sarah(FAM/PMS)What I've noticed is that when people are enemies, they'll comment mean things like "you're ugly" or "that's stupid" on their rival's posts, even if they don't actually believe it/it's not true.

Not Your Average CalvinThey hate me because they ain't me! .. Just kidding. That'd be an MP way out.

SerpentineI don't know. 'Cause I'm just too fabulous for them. And then after about 3 weeks I go baby hulk on them.

Not Your Average CalvinOh! Thank you for not just doing that when I'm there! 😃

Serpentine@Ashipm Well, I don't do it to everyone. Just some.

SerpentineWow holy fuck **@Ashton

Not Your Average Calvin😕 Fine.

a personNot that I know of. I have disagreements but nobody that attacks me or anything

Maddie😂👌🏼Skyler, 🍍MissMandi{DHA}🍍, and ĆäśśïëBïtćh

AwesomepawsomepenguinI don't have any rivals.

EthanI used to have some but not really anymore

🌟✌️awesome_kid🌟✌️@LᎧLZ|THᏰ|FᏘM| Cassie is sorta for being such s jerk to Ash but my main one ALYSSAAAAAAAAA OMG I HATE HER

Dat boi popplioNot really, but a lot of people get really mad when I correct their spelling or grammar. 🐛

Serpentine@🐛 Same here. I'm basically an autocorrect machine. Clods!

Fangirl101I don't really hate anybody on here.You all seem nice :)

DragonJay🐉Here we go!

DragonJay🐉Cutie Pie Bird Insane and forty-five thousand other people. 😑

Serpentine@BlueJay Lol Cutie Pie "Hera" is worst enemy.

DragonJay🐉@HI IT'S ME|NOB|FAM Yep.