Wich is prittyer

74 votes

531 votes



Hockey fanYou spelled prettier wrong

fendyWhat ever

Carmen_Darling @fendy Wow

Lexi :) Umm how old r u cuz I'm pretty sure u shouldn't be asking if your pretty and u don't even know how to spell pretty so that also shows that u r way to young for this app

Lexi :) Oh and one more thing it's who not which and u didn't even spell that right

AutumnSphelling airrors maeks me mahd πŸ˜πŸ˜›πŸ˜€β˜Ίβ˜ΊπŸ˜‰πŸ˜†πŸ˜‘

hihiu look like ur 8-.. this app is not good for u MISSY!


🎧Emily🎨Learn how to spell and come back in 3 years u look way too young for this app

OhsnapitzashleaWho cares how old she is it doesn't matter if she is like eight its just an app where you ask and answer questions

PLLfan#1I think that you both are pretty. Everyone is pretty in their own way. These type of questions are really annoying