Minimum wage should...

Not exist
4 votes

I dunno
2 votes

Be determined by local/state government
6 votes

12 votes


👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑green box! In places like DC a high minimum wage would be beneficial, but out in the boonies it could actually be harmful to business, cause people to lose jobs, etc. to have a high minimum wage, so I think it should be determined by the state or something

PenPineappleApplePen@Yoda2.0 Put it this way if our Government can afford a over 100 Billion dollar Fighter Planes that doesnt work properly then our Gov. can afford to bump up minimum wage state wide.

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@Yoda2.0 What? But bumping up the minimum wage would mean the government would make more money from income taxes, not lose any... Only businesses would lose money (or not because they could choose to just hire less people)

Sarah(FAM/PMS)I think that makes sense, having state/local governments determine it. Because some states would need a higher minimum wage than others.

SerpentineEverything about the state should be determined by the state.