Contest in the comments winner gets a shout out!

16 votes

3 votes

15 votes


Amy_is_the_bomb(AAB)Answer at least three correct 1. What is my first name? 2. What is my favourite colour? 3. What country am I from? 4. What grade am I going into?(I'm still in public school) 5. How many dogs do I have?

🌸Miss_Mandi_Mae🌸@fashion 1)Josie 2)blue 3)Canada 4)7th 5)2 dogs

Sarah(FAM/PMS)1) Amy 2) blue 3) Canada 4) 6th 5) 2 dogs

Serpentine1) No idea 😁 2) Purple 3) UK 4) 4th 5) 3

EmilyMelissa, purple, United States, 6th, and 4 dogs

Alita1. Sophia 2. Pink 3. US 4. 7th 5. 2 dogs

Caedyn20001)Amy 2)Purple 3)Canada 4)8th 5)2 dogs