You could push a button that would give you a million dollars, but murder a random person in the world.

I don't know.
23 votes

Don't push the button.
47 votes

Push the button.
39 votes


SerpentineThis is truly sad. People would rather kill a possibly innocent person for money, rather than sparing someone's life for no harm done to themselves. People today.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)😂😂Noooo! That's such a terrible idea!

Sarah(FAM/PMS)And for the selfish people that would still do it-what if it killed someone you cared about, or, God forbid-yourself!😂😂

SerpentineExactly!what if it killed your best friend? Or your Dad?? Or you???

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Amethyst👑NOB👑FAM Or simply anyone innocent. It's not right. I put that last comment to appeal to the selfish people who would actually push the button.

SerpentineYeah, as I said a possibly innocent person.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Amethyst👑NOB👑FAM And really, who has the right to condemn someone to death? Along what morals is this decided? Theirs?

SerpentineThey're basically playing God. So greedy.

#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPSNEVER! I cannot even think about such a horrid thing!

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯aaah!! I would never push the button, only if I knew who the random person was and it was a bad ruler or someone in a terror group 😳😳 kinda scared now

Serpentine@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB Like if it were to kill someone like Hitler if he were still alive, you would push the button.

Serpentine@#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPS It's pretty bad.

PenPineappleApplePenI couldn't condemned my soul for taking a life of an innocent person.. Its just not me😐

Aracelylovesspideyit could be someone in 1D😧.... NOPE NOT PRESSING THAT STUPID BUTTON!!!😰😷😭

Cazz🐾THB✨PMS💛STF🐾That reminds me of a film called.. Oh wait what was it called.. "The box" maybe?? It's with Cameron Diaz: exactly that.. Guess what they did!! I wouldn't!

Serpentine@Cazz🐾THB✨PMS🐾 Yeah. That's where I got the idea.

Serpentine@Aracely Good! 👍👍👍

Serpentine@CookieMonster[NOMx3] Now, what if that button gave you vagina instead? 😂😂😂

Serpentine@CookieMonster[NOMx3] Would you push the button then?

SerpentineThere's more votes for not pushing the button by a smidge! Faith in humanity has been restored! Bing Bong 🔔😑

Aracelylovesspidey@👑Amethyst👑FAM👑NOB👑. Bing Bong🔔😑

PenPineappleApplePenCookieMonster[NOB] Plus a $Million?!! Sign me up today right now even!!😍

PenPineappleApplePen@Aracely Hey!! Thats my word..😒

PenPineappleApplePen@CookieMonster[NOMx3] All you guys saying Bing Bong🔔😑? 😕

Serpentine@CookieMonster[NOMx3] Yup! Bing Bong 🔔😑

Serpentine@CookieMonster[NOMx3] Look at my questions. Bing Bong 🔔😑

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@👑Amethyst👑FAM👑NOB👑 yeah! Or another president comes to mind... That's still alive...

Serpentine@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB Who? Bing Bong 🔔😑

Serpentine@CookieMonster[NOMx3] You evil person. . . Bing Bong 🔔😑

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@👑Amethyst👑FAM👑QOB👑 Umm... I think you know who I'm talking with. Also the guy who rules North Korea! 👈

Serpentine@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB I really don't. 😐 Bing Bong 🔔😑

PenPineappleApplePen@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB Oh yah! That dude Kim Jung Un hes stuffing his fat face while his people are starving.. Yah hes one I would Kill...

SerpentineYeah, I would push the button if it was him.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@👑Amethyst👑FAM👑QOB👑 aaah... Never mind... But Kim Jung Un I would def kill

⚓️Mickey⚓️Never in a million years. One life is worth more than a million dollars, <3
