Shoutout to #SwaggyGurl💗NOB😎FAM🎤 She's been through alot and deserves this!

Don't know her, but I'll be sure to check her out. 😎
32 votes

Thank you!
17 votes

Yeah! She's really nice. 😃
51 votes

Don't know her, but cool! 👍
59 votes


Serpentine Correction: #SwaggyGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤

#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPS@Amethyst👑NOB👑FAM Thanks You soooooo much!!! I really appreciate it! 😘😃😃☺

SerpentineYour welcome! ☺️

SerpentineWow. **You're

#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPS@Amethyst👑NOB👑FAM lol

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯she's awesome!!

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@#SwaggyGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤 what does NOB and FAM stand for?

#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPS@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚{FPS} Thanks so much! Right back at ya!!

Serpentine@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB NOB: Nation of Butterfaces, created by me. FAM: Short for Family, created by Ethan.

#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPSOh, yeah what she said👆💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPS how did u go threw a lot **through

#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤 My grandma is in the hospital

⚓️Mickey⚓️Yeah she does deserve this! ❤️❤️ Much Love to @#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPS

⚓️Mickey⚓️ She went through a lot of things.

#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPS@xSupermanPunchx Thanks sooo much!!!

#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPS@xSupermanPunchx Can I give you and Amethyst a face q shout out?

⚓️Mickey⚓️@#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPS Sure!


Serpentine@#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPS I have a pic of myself on my profile.

#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPSOk I'm going to make them now:)

⚓️Mickey⚓️@#SwagGurl💗FAM😎NOB🎤FPS Kk!!
