Truth or dare?!? Go to comments saying weather u want a truth or dare, then I or someone else can give u one.

Ugh, whatever. Ill do it, but I won't enjoy it
2 votes

9 votes

Blah, I hate this game
5 votes

*goes straight to comments
1 votes


kirstyIr if u are having a sleep over an need ideas, then you can ask for ideas. Just say how old you are so that the person that will give you an idea, knows weather or not it's in your maturity.


kirsty@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB hmm... The MOST embarrassing thing you have ever said/done.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@kirsty oh hmm.... Gotta think about that one... Thank god I haven't been in many embarrassing moments or I just don't remember them but once when my older brothers friend ( who I think I used to have a little crush on) came over they went down to the basement and for some reason

kirsty@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB is there more? Lo

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯😑😑😑⬆️ aaaaah well... @Kirsty when I was 7 my brothers friend (who I think I had a minor crush on😑) came over, and they went down to the basement to play the xbox, for some reason

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯I went down with them and started playing in the basement, then idk why but I started doing push ups and then I wanted to show my brother so he had to pause the game and on my way up on the push up I farted

kirsty@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB oh my... Poor you.

kirstyWell that sucks

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯and it was a MAJOR and very very very long fart😂 my face was completely red and when we moved away 4 years later the same guy sent a message to my older brother saying bye and in the end he said "say bye to your farting little sister from me"

kirsty@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB oh... Gosh. I would hate that.

kirsty@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB well, thanks for commentin

Sarah(FAM/PMS)Hmm. Truth.

kirsty@Sarah(FAM/PMS/NOB) okay... 3 REALLY weir things that you do when you are alone.


💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Kirsty oh that's a though one! I should actually have said dare and then just lied about doing it😂😂

kirsty@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB no no no


kirsty@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB oh come on, please answer. Fine, ill knock it down to one thing.

kirsty@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB or u can message me so other people can't see it. I won't go around tellin anyone


Sarah(FAM/PMS)@kirsty Okay. I play my music, dance around, eat lots of food, and make jokes and laugh at them.

kirsty@Sarah(FAM/PMS/NOB) cool, I do too.

kirsty@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑 okay, so....what do you not want people (at school, or people in general) to know about you? (If you want so everybody can't see, u can message me the answer)

kirsty@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑 just one thing

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@kirsty 3 things👉 I draw random words with my finger on my leg if in sitting down or on the table/ chair If I'm eating some junk food I sometimes make a commercial for it in from of the mirror

kirstyIf you want, you guys can ask me questions too. It just seems fair.

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯and I sometimes have dramatic soap opera scenes with my cat😂😂😂

kirsty@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB lol I like that!

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@HunterΩfΔrtemis🌚FPS|NOB That's amazing! See, this is why I wish I had a pet.

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@kirsty I don't want them to know how insanely obsessed with johnlock I am. It's seriously ridiculous ahaha

kirsty@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑 lol that's cool

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@Sarah(FAM/PMS/NOB) 😂😂 yeah, you'd be an pawsome owner and yes, I just did that😝