Made this outfit on polyvore

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257 votes


MalakMokhtarI really LOVE IT !! It's the kinda of style I admire !! 😍⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️

Riana{FPS}👮{ACB}👊What is your user

Superstar123looks so cool with a pinch of tomboy

a personWhen you make an outfit on there, you know how some parts of the picture are left out? (Hair, eyes) You can fix that by going to cutouts and choosing a different setting.

a personOh I'm not trying to be rude or anything I had the same problem. I like your outfit btw

Goldcocopuffs@a person thanks that sucked when that happened

Goldcocopuffs@Riana_dancing_lover goldcocopuffs What's yours?

isabelso cute I want it

Goldcocopuffs@isabel same!!