What would your superhero/villain name be?

87 votes

13 votes



⚓️Mickey⚓️@BMO(FAM/PMS/NOB) 😂😂😂😂


Serpentine@BMO(FAM/PMS/NOB) 😐😑😐

EthanMememaster: I would travel the world in order to collect the rarest pepes and keep the out of the wrong hands

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯The nothing... 😏

Serpentine@Ethan🇺🇸FAM🇺🇸 You mean memes?

SerpentineReefer Girl! I go and blast people with weed, brah.

Ethan@Mary Jane 🌿FAM👑NOB🌿 no, I mean pepes

Serpentine@Ethan🇺🇸FAM🇺🇸 Okayyyyyy then

Ethan@Mary Jane 🌿FAM👑NOB🌿 look it up

99Captain conspiracy

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Jake The Dog FAM👑NOB What is it? I'm afraid to look it up😂

Serpentine@BMO(FAM/PMS/NOB) I don't even know. It's like some frog or somethhing.

99Guys also mention your powers, origin, and costume if you'd like

SerpentineWell now I'd be the Purple Puma. She comes from Beach city, and she's a wrestler.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Michael Basically, I fight crime best when I'm hangry.

SerpentineThat's me in the picture. I'm a villian.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@💎Amethyst {FAM/👑NOB} Your pic stopped showing up😓

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@💎Amethyst {FAM/👑NOB} An check your PMs

SerpentineSee her now? Lol I look like a guy. 😝

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@👿💎PURPLE PUMA💎👿 😂👍🏼

taylor1327MUSIC MASTER


SquishySmiles😃Bullseye! My power would be the ability to walk on walls and never miss a shot with my crossbow. I got those powers by exploring a no trespassing zone with my best friend. A geyser with high chemicals

SquishySmiles😃shot me but missed my best friend. Everyone thought I was dead but then I rose at my funeral with my super hero uniform on

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯@SquishySmiles😃 you've really thought about this😂😂 would make a good movie🎬

Serpentine@SquishySmiles😃 Wow. I love that!