Omg my brother gets on my nerves so bad! What about your siblings?

Kind of
5 votes

24 votes

Don't have any
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3 votes


Serpentine🎶Only child!🎶

R.I.P___Caleb😭😭@💎Amethyst💎 {FAM/👑NOB} lucky!!!

SerpentineIt's boring.

R.I.P___Caleb😭😭@💎Amethyst💎 {FAM/👑NOB} oh

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑My brother is chill. The only time he annoys me is when he goes on hours long rants about politics and economics ahaha

R.I.P___Caleb😭😭I have a sister...... But she moved out 🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉 👑✨👑✨👑✨👑